No matter what the merchandise is, somebody is waiting for it somewhere and trusts that it will arrive just and exactly on time. That is why we feel that our work deserves at least as much attention as your product.’ Because we will also handle it being fully aware of our responsibility. Only in this way can a business relationship filled with trust and respect emerge hand in hand.
2009-ben megalapítottam a SnaBB Ylogistics Kft - Jumbo & Container Transport, amivel eleinte csak logisztikai feladatokat végeztem.
I decided to create my own vehicle pool in 2010.
In 2011 I started to work on my own with a boxed van besides the logistical tasks.
Since 2012, we have also provided storage facilities for our partners, the company was specifically designed for fast and flexible transportation, and therefore we increased the fleet with more vans and additional Jumbo and swap body trucks.
In 2018, the time came in the history of the company to change our company name, TransSped B & B. For our customers and other partners to be able to conclude the firm’s main specifications we continue our activity using the name SnaBB YLogistics – Jumbo & Container Transport.